Thursday, December 31, 2009

new year, new life!!!

The new year is upon us and everything has changed. I can't believe that I am now a mommy! It's so weird to think that this time last year Ryder was nothing more than a small egg inside of me and now he is almost 14lbs and growing bigger each and every day. It really makes me think as well how much I never really wanted children and now that I have one, I really want another. I have really thought it through and my sister and brother were all so close in age that I want the same for Ryder. So, I have came to the decision to have another baby within the next year. I want to wait until Ryder is close to 6 months before I start trying for another baby. I am really hoping for a boy, but to be honest, as long as it is healthy, I will be happy. Also, I am pushing Josh to make a promise that we will eventually get married, I always say i don't want to get married, but I would like the commitment of marriage. Meaning I would like the assurance that I will be the only "lady" in Josh's life. I guess it may be a trust thing, but I really want to make sure that we are happy and that we will grow old together! I am really looking forward to this new year. I can't wait to see Ryder grow up and to live my life with the many adventures to follow!!!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


So, my name is Clarissa. I am 25 years old, live with my boyfriend Josh for almost 2 years now and together we have a beautiful son named Ryder. Ryder was born October 4th, 2009 at 10:06pm. He was 8lbs, 5 oz, and 20 in long. It was one of the best moments of my life welcoming him to our family. I honestly never really wanted to be a mom, well, I did, but never thought I would be ready for it. Now that I am a mom, I couldn't think of anything better in life.
I grew up my whole life in Minnesota and recently moved to California to teach High School Earth Science. I have currently been teaching for 4 years now and I love it!!! This is where I met Josh.
Yes, everyone has there ups and downs, but it is really how you make of it. I would love nothing more than to be living the single life and to be only me, but I love the men I have in my life and I honestly can say, I don't know what I would do without them!!!