Tuesday, September 20, 2011

What a crazy past month!

Ok, so in the past month I have gone back to work, switched daycare, and have been working on my Master in Teacher Leadership! It has been so crazy that I honestly can hardly remember what day it is, what assignments are due, if I have an extra duty assingment that week, or even if my kids got a bath. I feel like i am doing everything that I almost feel like running away to go get a massage, just so I can get an hour to myself and take my mind off of everything that is going on. I even have 3 different calanders maked with important dates to remind myself of when to turn things in and even when to give the kids a bath (every other day, unless they are beyond dirty!).
Honestly, I do love my life, and I love everyone in it, but when my kids are both taking a nap at the same time, I honestly just sit there and close my eyes and imagine what life would be like if I was on my own. I can't remember the late nights out at the club, dancing my pants off, drink after drink, not worried about assignments, baths or even making sure everyone is fed. I have realized that once you become a mom, your needs get pushed out the door and nothing else matters. I sometimes have to write myself notes to even eat because I hardly get time to do that (yet I struggle to loose weight...mmmnnn).
I love my kids so much, that I thank god each and every day that he put them in my arms. I am so happy that they are happy and healthy, I just wish I could give them the world! Most of the things I am doing, going to work and getting my Masters is to make sure that my children are supplied with everything they need from food, toys, insurance all the way to college funds. I am lucky to still have a job and be able to support my family throughout these tough times. I wouldn't change a thing about it!

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