Sunday, October 10, 2010

long overdue...

Everything has been good! Working a lot...trying to save enough money to be abel to go back to Minnesota for next summer and hopefully move there in a couple years! I guess I just really miss my family...I am such a family oriented person that it kills me to hear of all the great things everyone is doing...I feel like Cali isn't my home...I don't feel acceped by many people here, and I guess personally I have given up on even trying with most of them! I want my mom to be able to see her only grandson as much as possible and I cry all the time thinking she only gets to see him maybe once a year.
Speaking of Ryder...he turned 1 on October 4th! I can't believe it...its already been a year! It seemed like yesterday I was waking up and heading to the hospital! Since then Josh has become such a better dad. He helps me out a lot more, and even though we have our fights, we still try and work at life! I'm slowly trying to convince him to move to Minnesota, so hopefully I can win that argument! He said he would, but doesn't look forward to the humid summers, but hell, there are so many lakes, swimming is always an option!!!
I know there is more to update...first, my little sister is studying in Australia and will return on Dec. 19th, then she stays with me for a day and heads back to Minnesota...I am thinking about flying back with her that day, but I guess my mom has to work, so there would be no one to pick us up, so it looks like Ryder and I will be heading out later that day! My mom, dad and older sister are going to travel to Australia for Thanksgiving. My older sister is coming a few days earlier (they all have a layover in LA), so she is going to stay with me for a few days and visit her is she in a shock to see how much he has changed...I think the last time anyone saw him he was only 3 months old! Then everyone flys back the week after thanksgiving and my mom and dad might be staying with me for a couple of days. I'm really excited because my dad has never actually visited, sure he came out to check out the area before I actually moved here, but has never actually came to visit!
Other then that I have been couponing and saving a ton of money...I already have christmas present, and birthday presents for next year all done! It seems like the only thing that I need to really buy is groceries and I normally can get everything for under $100 a month! I have a stock pile of diapers, lotion, body wash, shampoo and conditioner and many more! I have learned so much from my wonderful 5000+ friends on BBC!!! It a forum of deals for bargain hunters and wow, have they taught me a ton!
Other than that everything has been great! I need to start posting about all the great deals I get...might help a few people out!
Well, off to bed...goodnight world!

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