Thursday, February 18, 2010


So Ryder had his 4 month shots yesterday and he has been moody all day! He turned 4 months on the 4th of february, but we couldn't get in until this week. He weighs 16lbs 4oz and is 25 1/4 in long! Getting to be a big boy! I get really excited when Josh has to pick him up. I work late tuesdays and thursdays and as I get home at 6:30 Ryder is screaming his head off, so mommy comes in and saves the day. That's why I love when Josh picka him up...I can come home and save the day! Lol
A few other things...I am trying to plan a trip for spring break. I would love to go see my sister in Mass. But I don't think we will have the money so I might end up taking a trip to death valley again with some friends! We went last year and it was great, even when I was 14 weeks pregnant!
Other things, well just working and spending as much time with Ryder as possible. I am planning on working summer school, but now they are saying that they may not have it this year, which would really bite because the extra money would be so much help! I am trying to get classes lined up to start in march, but not looking to good! I have to take a bunch of classes to finish my credential, so hoping I can get them straightened out. I guess this what happens when I wait until the last minute!
Well, about to fall asleep! Hope everyone has a good weekend of relaxation!

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